
Собор и не только: что можно посмотреть в Солсбери

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До XIII века город был центром епископства Солсбери. В 1226 году король Генрих III предоставил епископу Солсбери право проводить в городе и его окрестностях ярмарку в середине августа, которая длилась несколько дней. Начиная с 1227 года ярмарки стали проводиться регулярно.
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Visitors walk in the garden outside Salisbury Cathedral in Salisbury, southern England, on July 7, 2018. The exposure of an apparently random British couple to the same nerve agent used against former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, in the same part of southwest England, has sent officials scrambling to discover the source of the contamination.
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Лебеди на канале недалеко от торгового центра Maltings в Солсбери.
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Солсбери был важным центром музыки в XVIII столетии. Филолог Джеймс Харрис, друг композитора Генделя, проводил в городе в течение почти 50 лет, до своей смерти в 1780 году, концерты со многими известными музыкантами и певцами того времени.
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Сады королевы Елизаветы в Солсбери. Сады посещали Дон Стерджесс и Чарли Роули, которые позже были госпитализированы в Эймсбери в связи с отравлением нервно-паралитическим веществом.
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Солсберийский собор — готический собор Девы Марии в Солсбери, который, будучи возведен в основной части всего за 38 лет, считается чистейшим образцом английской готики. Знаменит своим 123-метровым шпилем, что делает его самым высоким средневековым зданием в Великобритании.
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A pedestrian walks through the centre of Salisbury, southern England on March 19, 2018, as investigations in connection with an apparent nerve agent attack in the city on March 4 continue. The European Union offered "unqualified solidarity" with Britain on March 19 over a nerve agent attack blamed on Russia, as international weapons experts visited to take a sample of the chemical for testing. Sergei Skripal, a former Russian officer who sold secrets to Britain and moved there in a 2010 spy swap, remains in critical condition along with his daughter, Yulia, after they were found unconscious on a park bench on March 4.
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A pedestrian walks past a newsagent shop, one of the last places visited by 44-year old Dawn Sturgess before she fell ill on June 30, in Salisbury, southern England, on July 6, 2018. The exposure of an apparently random British couple to the same nerve agent used against former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, in the same part of southwest England, has sent officials scrambling to discover the source of the contamination.
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A picture shows the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, in central southern England, on July 12, 2012. The site of Stonehenge is situated on Salisbury plain in an area of dense prehistoric activity dating back as early as 8,000 BC. The large sarsen stones for which the site is famous were erected during the Bronze Age between 2600 and 2400 BC within and amid earlier earthworks, postholes and smaller stones. in 1986 the site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it remains the most wellknown prehistoric monument in Britain.
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Ограждения, выставленные полицией города Солсбери, у паба Mill, где ужинали бывший полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль и его дочь Юлия.
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FILE - In this Tuesday, March 6, 2018 file photo, police officers stand outside the house of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, England. British police say they believe a Russian ex-spy and his daughter first came into contact with a military-grade nerve agent at their front door. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon says in a statement Wednesday, March 28 police are now focusing their investigation in and around Sergei Skripal's home.
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A general view of Porton Down, the science park housing the Ministry of Defence's (MOD) Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, is pictured in the village of Porton, near Salisbury on July 8, 2018.